So the last and final installment here is all about my third and last trip out to cover the election story, which finally resulted in the little image that ended up gracing the cover of the next day’s special Elections issue:

Cover - Daily Cal Elections special issue
As the clock struck midnight and November 5th dawned, I was just headed out of the office after dropping off the rest of my photos from the massive crowd that had gathered down on the streets outside at Bancroft & Telegraph. The photo editors Anna and Victoria were still in the office (and would be through to the morning) sorting through photos and compiling the photospread (.pdf, 7.2mb, pg 7-8) that would appear in the next day’s paper, for which the Daily Cal photo staff had already collectively compiled a few hundred photos.
At this point I would say I was pretty content but not particularly happy with the photos I had come back with. The shots from the viewing party were good – slideshow or photospread worthy – but I wasn’t particularly fond of any of the crowd photos from the celebration on the streets. Sure they covered the event, but photos like this or this aren’t really going to rock anyone’s socks. (more…)