So when I originally planned this article, it was a couple days after the November 4th election and all the craziness that ensued. So I suppose, more than a week after the actual inauguration, this isn’t exactly the most relevant anymore, but I’d like to hope that these photos (and whatever lessons gleamed from them) are somewhat timeless.
For the Daily Cal’s election night coverage, I was initially assigned to cover the results watching party held at the Institute of Government Studies (IGS) Library at Moses Hall. After I had gotten back to the office and was in the midst of sorting through and cutting down my images, we started hearing a crowd gathering outside. So most of the people in the office went over to the Bancroft-facing windows and found this:
Part II: Berkeley Street Celebration

Election night crowd on Bancroft
Like any good photojournalist, the next thing I did was to hop in the elevator and leap down into the fray. (more…)