California Academy of Sciences Reopening

The Academy of Sciences "Living Roof"


The Academy of Sciences


Though it’s old news by now, the California Academy of Sciences recently reopened after a nearly 5-year reconstruction.  I was there for opening day of the new building on Saturday, 2008 September 27.

You can find the full gallery of photos here: Gallery Link

I was expecting a long line, and sure enough when I got off the #5 Muni at the northern edge of Golden Gate Park (around 10:30am) there was a throng of people stretching way past around the corner.  That’s okay I thought, I’ll just walk to the end…

Halfway through the line

Halfway through the line

But the line kept going.  And going…

Three-quarters through the lline

Three-quarters through the lline

After about 15 minutes of briskly-paced walking I finally reached the end…

End in sight

End in sight

The line was arduously long.  About an hour and a half in (having moved just a couple hundred feet), a man from the Academy came out and passed out some candy bars for rations.

Man passing out candy bars - he said it'd only be about a two hour wait

Man passing out candy bars - he said it'd only be about a two hour wait

I passed by a few musicians who had taken to perform alongside the line during the wait.  A young boy was playing violin about halfway through, and an older man played a didgeridoo/oboe/bassoon not too far past that:

Boy playing violin

Boy playing violin

Man in tunnel

Man in tunnel with didgeridoo/oboe/bassoon

I had a lot of time in line so I was snapping photos of just about everything.

Tree alongside the line

Tree alongside the line

The line did move slow, but I guess it wasn't really seahorse slow

The line did move slow, but I guess it wasn't really seahorse slow

 After what seemed like an eternity, I did eventually get to the front.

After 5 hours, I finally got to the front

After 5 hours, I finally got to the front

By this time the Academy was over-capacity, and they were giving out rainchecks to come back to the Academy later on in the day.  So for the time being I settled for this picture in front of the entrance.

I asked a stranger with a D200 to take the photo.  He focused on the building in the background.  Nikonians...

I asked a stranger with a D200 to take the photo. He focused on the building in the background. Nikonians...

Here’s a map of the line I stood in.  It ended up being exactly a mile long, and took 5 hours to get through all of it.

Map of the Academy of Sciences Opening Day line

Map of the Academy of Sciences Opening Day line

The ticket I got was for a 7:00pm entrance, and it was 3:30pm, so I had about 3 and a half hours to kill.  They had some art performances and booths set up on the old Music Concourse, so I decided to take a look around.

Two children get boosted up to get a better view of the performances at the Music Concourse

Two children get boosted up to get a better view of the performances at the Music Concourse

Ballet dancers from the San Francisco Ballet school

Ballet dancers from the San Francisco Ballet school

More from the ballet performance

More from the ballet performance

Children got to play with a tortoise and other animals out on the Music Concourse

Children got to play with a tortoise and other animals out on the Music Concourse

The Academy's awning has photovoltaic cells installed at the top to help power the building with solar energy

The Academy's awning has photovoltaic cells installed at the top to help power the building with solar energy

The Academy also featured a "living roof"

The Academy also featured a "living roof"

Top of the de Young Museum across the concourse

Top of the de Young Museum across the concourse

Inside the de Young entrance

Inside the de Young entrance

I didn’t go into the de Young museum, but there was a Chihuly exhibit on display and one of the pieces was outside at the entrance:

Chihuly piece outside of the de Young in daytime

Chihuly piece outside of the de Young in daytime

I took a short walk up north to grab a bite to eat (ended up eating a sandwich at a cafe… eh).  By the time I got back it was 6:30, and they were letting anyone with a ticket in (which makes me wonder how much earlier I could have gotten in…).  So after 8 long hours, I was finally in the Academy of Sciences.  Here’s just a sample of some of the pictures – you can find the full set of photos on my gallery.

The Albino Alligator

The Albino Alligator

 I didn’t actually get to the rainforest – byt the time I had gotten around to it they had closed the line.  So it’s on my to-do list for the next visit.

The Indoor Rainforest

The Indoor Rainforest

 I disappointing area of the academy was the new aquarium.  Those who ever visited the old Academy probably remember the huge multi-story spiraling aquairum.  There’s nothing of the same scale at the new academy – instead there are many smaller tanks which probably makes things easier to manage and maintain.

The Aquarium

The Aquarium





Have no fear San Francisco - the Academy has got Godzilla secure and locked up. (I think it's actually a gila monster)

Have no fear San Francisco - the Academy has got Godzilla secure and locked up. (I think it's actually a gila monster)

Jurassic Park, anyone?

Jurassic Park, anyone?

The Pendulum Clock

The Pendulum Clock

An inappropriate Irwin joke here

An inappropriate Irwin joke here

 I spent just about 2 and a half hours there (the Acadmy closed at 9pm), and I really didn’t even get a chance to explore probably the two biggest attractions – the Indoor Rainforest and the Planetarium.  I suppose I’ll have to head there again for another trip someday.

One last look at the Chihuly piece - it doesn't actually change colors, I just biased my white balance heavily

One last look at the Chihuly piece - it doesn't actually change colors, I just biased my white balance heavily

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2 Responses to “California Academy of Sciences Reopening”

  1. Erin says:

    Rawr, I’m stuck here in SoCal. =[ I think my mom even plans on buying an annual pass or something. But I’m coming home next week! So maybe I’ll have a chance to stop by. (Oh, and did I mention that I’m jealous of your uber-pro photography skills?)

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